Your First Visit to Our North Central San Antonio Practice
Comfortable Chiropractic Care
You’ll be greeted by name when you enter our office and will meet one of our front desk staff as you “sign in”. You will then be presented with some simple health history information to fill out while you have a seat in our inviting reception area.
While you’re filling out your paperwork, we invite you to enjoy our World Class Coffee Bar and Tea Bar!
Our Tea Bar features an authentic gold Russian samovar filled to the brim with piping hot water along with an exquisite assortment of some of the world’s finest teas, including those from the Mighty Leaf Tea Company, Stash Teas, Chakra Blends, Exotic Teas, Herbal Blends and an assortment of Traditional Medicinal Teas. Our teas are accompanied by crystal sugar, assorted honeys and fresh sliced lemon.
Our Coffee Bar features a daily gourmet coffee blend with an unusual selection of flavorings and premium sugars……an extensive assortment of exotic sweetening choices along with fresh dairy cream for your sipping pleasure.
So sit back and take it easy while you enjoy your coffee, tea or fresh spring water.
When your paperwork is completed, a staff member will take you back to meet with one of our caring doctors in a warm, comfortable room where you can completely relax. There you will have an opportunity to discuss some of your health concerns, and the doctor will take a careful history of your health.
We Explain Everything First
he purpose of your consultation with the doctor is to discuss your health goals and to see if chiropractic or one of our other alternative health techniques is likely to help you.
If chiropractic seems to be the answer, then an orthopedic examination will help us to help identify the cause of your problem, as well as x-rays, if necessary.
If the choice is one of our alternative therapies, such as NAET, NMT, NCR, NeuroLink or our Emotional Mastery Program, then specific recommendations will most likely be made at that time.
Patients appreciate that we explain everything in advance!
Contact our North Central San Antonio chiropractic office now to schedule an appointment.